My biggest reason for doing the fast was to get closer to God, and try and learn my purpose. As you all have gathered in just the few very honest posts I've written; I've struggled with my faith. I've definitely struggled with God, and just needed a reboot! Just so happens that the theme of the women's retreat was..... wait for it.... PURPOSE!!! Shut up! I know! God put all this in my path at these very moments! Amaze balls! Anywho, all along the way, God was acknowledging my hard work, and I felt like the fast was working! It was literally like everything backed up this decision. The pastor talked at every service about the book of Daniel, and my daily bible study went hand and hand! Seriously, how does that happen??
I'm so much happier, I've gone off all my meds... sleeping, depression, and anxiety; and I feel better than ever! Chris came home from a work trip the last 2 weeks and joined me in what I was doing in the fast. I feel it in my everyday life. I feel it in our family, in our relationships, and how we treat each other. It's been wonderful.
Life is hard, it's always changing. The one thing that stays the same is God. He is always there! We are the only ones that move! Crazy crazy that there is someone who loves us that much, no matter what we do. Even if we don't deserve it!!!!!!
So, I'm done with the fast, and ohhhhh boy did my body punish me. I was sooo excited to catch up on all the chocolate I had missed out on from Valentine's day! I learned a lot about my body and eating habits, and how I'm too old to handle all the fast food anymore. Gahhh I hate saying that out loud.
What I hope to gain from this, even if you are not a believer; is that you know there's always an upward path. You are not alone in your travesties. Someone out there somewhere has gone through what you are. Reach out, get help. You never know who you could help in the process!
Back at it,
Queen B