Thursday, January 22, 2015

Stretching Faith

Chris and I just started a bible study yesterday, and I already feel blown away by my realizations! It's crazy how much we allow something to weigh on us for days, weeks, years even! I feel like in the last 2 days I've lifted an elephant off of my chest! Ok that sounded stupid, but you get what I'm trying to say.... I seriously feel lighter, happier even. When I put me and my feelings aside and just take in what I need to; what God needs me too.... I feel clarity. 
It's refreshing to finally have some insight to the things that have happened to us. The questions we think we will never know the answers too. All the hurt and hate I have harbored inside has lifted and I can breathe. It's not that it said the answer is...... It's that for the first time I understand! I know I have miles to go, but I'm so very happy for this great jump start! 

Healing is a process and for the first time since my daughter passed, I feel it starting! I only wish I was brave enough to do this sooner! Thank you Chris for 500% always having my back.... Whatever I want to do you are there and I love you! 

Blessed and refreshed,
Queen B 👑

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