Saturday, January 3, 2015

How Those Crazy B's came to be...

We grew up in the same teensy, weensy town that our parents and of course Grandparents grew up in too. We didn't run in the same circles, not that Reardan has many... hehe.... but we had mutual friends, and I of course dated Chris' step brother for awhile, ( we don't like to talk much about that)  and Chris dated several of my friends, including my best friend at the time. (It's a small town thing lol) Somehow, we ended up getting together in the Summer of 2001; the year Chris graduated. (yep he's old lol) My mom meddled since she knew we liked each other, and tried to get us together. My father wasn't a huge fan since Chris was older, and had just graduated from HS. BUT, we hung out and went out a few times, and things developed quickly for us.
On our first date Chris asked me to go to the lake with him and his family. I said sure and they came and picked me up. Chris' mom and boyfriend were in the front, and we were squished in the back with Chris' friend and new puppy. Puppy of course had not ridden in a car and threw up all over my feet. Overall, it was a good day until Chris' friend threw a dead fish in my lap, and later the boyfriend was pulled over for driving like an idiot. BUT all in all not terrible haha! We had our first ever kiss that day when Chris brought me home, it was TERRIBLE!!!! Seriously, worst kiss ever!!! Chris asked me to go to a movie with him and a friend, and I accepted. They came and picked me up, and I happily sat in the back seat, listening to some GOD awful song about "jar jelly". The movie was great, but on the way home I sat in front; which was a wonderful position to feel the Bassett Hound go underneath me when Chris ran over it. He pulled over to see if it was ok, but it was too late he was gone! I know  what you are all thinking.... why the heck didn't I run for the hills..... I can't answer that for you! However, I can say I'm forever grateful I didn't run! It only got better from there, and before we knew it we were inseparable. We had soo many fights and arguments, and then 2 seconds later we would be laughing and kissing. It was sweet and romantic, yet crazy and wild all at the same time. Wow!!! This was like forever ago... really feeling old writing this!!!

Chris had plans to go straight into the Army, and was supposed to leave for boot camp that Fall. However, he got Mono, and his ship date got pushed back a year. Which gave our new romance more time to be together, or not! We fought, broke up, and got back together monthly, weekly sometimes! I couldn't tell you why, maybe just because we were young or had nothing better to do! Anyhow, a year and a half after we started dating; it was finally time for Chris to leave for boot camp! He left in October for Training in 2002 for Ft Leonardwood, MO to become a Combat Engineer.
We wrote letters daily, the mail was slow back then. (we still have every single letter that each of us ever wrote) When it was time for Chris to graduate, I flew down to MO with my Grandma, and Chris' sister Holly. It was so awesome to be there for such a big part of his life. He was bald and had big ol' ugly glasses.... some are familiar: BCG's.... but he was mine, and I had missed him like crazy. We made it back to WA, just in time to find out that Chris had already been activated for 4 months, and would be going to Iraq; even though he was just in the Guard. The news was devastating since he was only home a whopping 4 days. We decided quickly that we would get married before Chris left, and have a big wedding when he came home from deployment. (little did we know that would never happen haha)

We ended up getting married Mon March 10, 2003 at 7pm. My parents, my best friend, and us went to a Hitching Post in Idaho so it would be legal, and then had a small ceremony at our church that evening. People were less than thrilled; they said we were too young and would never make it. HA we say HA! My parents got us a hotel next to the airport, and we went right there after our ceremony. We were honestly pooped, and didn't do much that night but sleep and snuggle. The next day I took Chris to the airport for what would be our first year long deployment! I missed school that day to get married!

If you made it through, and want to see more, I can't wait to give it to you....


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