Sunday, January 4, 2015

Pop Pop Fizz Fizz

Hello, and welcome to the first Sunday of 2015. Oh... my.... lanta....  I'm sore!!! My sweet neighbor and new trainer (ass kicker) Becca has got me not able to pee! I would like to take this opportunity to let you all know that we have a second floor, which is impossible for me to avoid! Youch!!! Today we managed to make it to church! Woohoo! Very first Sunday of the year and we were just where we needed to be! Did I mention our church has stairs??? Lots of them??? Oh and they like to stand and sit a lot! FAB U LOUS!!! YOUCH!!! It was nevertheless a great sermon, and I'm glad to be headed towards where we want to be already! Just have to keep that momentum, right? The rest of our day has been lazy. Chris and I have been taking turns trying to stretch each other out. Now's a great time to call him out on not even being able to touch his shins! Yes I said shins!!! Jaisalyn and her sweet self was happily helping by poking us in the eyes, giving kisses and jumping on us. Isn't she swell! It's a family effort I guess!

What are some of your goals for the new year? Are they the same as everyone else? Loose weight? Become a better person? Maybe you just need to clean your bathroom more... I know some people that would be an excellent idea! I keep adding more to my list. That's what a new year is right? A fresh start... a chance to change everything. I'm happy to say that being debt free in 2015 was a goal of mine, and we made it happen Dec 2014.... wooo hooo! Ok, so I have to be more specific; we still have our vehicles, GA house, oh and school loans..... so we are officially Credit Card debt free in 2015!!! I'm excited! It frees up a lot of money to start saving and all that jazz. Which by the way we are absolutely horrible at.... again, got to start somewhere.

2015 feels like a wonderful place to start working on me, and my happiness. We are completely done with our foster care application... just waiting for our license. Then we will be super busy with children! ahhhhh! There's something about fulfilling your life's purpose that makes you feel on top of the world. We've had such a hard journey to get here, and I'm happy to be where I am now. It was by no means easy, and there were many times I didn't think Chris nor I would make it through, especially together! We did though, and we unfortunately did not come out smelling like roses most the time, but then again who does 100% of the time.

So far the many goals I've laid before myself our:

These are the big ones at least! I hope you all have a blessed Sunday, and thanks once again for joining me.

with Love,

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