Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Pee Pee in the dipey!!

I am sooooo over potty training! Chris is over it... Jaisalyn is over it... These crazy B's are over it!!!!!! It's so hard to understand what goes on in a little 2 year olds head! She knows what to do, and does it 75% of the time, but only if you initiate it. So the girl can't say Mom I have to pee, or etc... It's too the point where this girl is going to be 18 and still in pampers!

Ok, ok, so I'm exaggerating ALOT!! She knows enough now to tell us after she went... some may say progress. This girl here says FRUSTRATING!! But nevertheless, we will get there eventually. Hopefully before we get more little ones. At least that's my plan anyways. HA! Pray for us!

Was potty training the bane of anyone else's existence? I know we can't be alone. Having a toddler is rough. You have to be on them like glue! Jaisalyn's thing is buttons! If she see a button she push a button. It doesn't matter how many times you tell her no... today, yesterday, or everyday before.... this girl is gonna push that button. Do you know what she does after??? While you are sitting there watching??? You just told her NO for the umpteenth time..... she turns around with those pearly whites, those big ol' eyes and smiles!!! Really?!?!? Gahhhh! I need to make a recording and start playing it. I'm soooo tired of saying Jaisalyn "No mam" all day long!

While there is all the frustrations of a toddler; I feel like we can't leave it on that note... NAP TIME!!! My toddler still loves and needs her nap. The girl can sleep! I am so very thankful for nap time each and every day! I seriously look forward to it. You probably know just what it's like.... always wished for a little helper, and now they won't keep their little hands out of anything. Those 2 hours of pure bliss where I can take out the laundry and push the buttons and be done in 1 minute. Where I can fold all the clothes 1 time, and be done with out little hands folding too! It's cute the first few times, but then girl... it needs to get done! Come on!!

They are also in this everything is fascinating phase, and constantly learning. I love that. Chris loooooves that! He gets so excited... Babe she did this.... like I don't spend all day with her.... yep! Their cute!! Chris has taught Jaisalyn how to say "Merica! Everyone likes to ask, " Awwwww, where is she from?" and Chris in all his glory beams with pride when Jaisalyn yells 'Merica... seriously with authority!

Well I've done gone off in left field rambling.... More for later I guess!

Queen B

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