Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Fostering.... Not so Peachy

So we moved to Hinesville, GA in Sept 2009. We bought our house online while still in AK, and then drove to GA when it was time. We knew before we got there that we would be fostering, and would be doing so in the hopes to grow our family. Private adoption is very expensive, and there's a lot of waiting involved. Fostering, however, was free, and they needed people so we would be used and abused before we even knew what happened.

Before I dive into our story, I need everyone to know that this is my story, and my experience. I can only attest to my truths! Also, I've changed or abbreviated names for the safety and security of the children I cared for!

 Now that's out of the way, we were ecstatic to get our license. We contacted the DFACS (Department of Family and Children Services) before we even made it to GA, and set up our first orientation. From there we had to do 30 hours of training, back ground checks, finger printing, drug testing, and several home studies! The paperwork... well let's just say there was A LOT of it!!! A few months of getting all our ducks in a row, and then just waiting! Meanwhile, Chris was due to leave on his 3rd deployment, this time to Afghanistan. We concentrated on us while we were waiting to hear back from the state; did some traveling, family visited, and we had a failed pregnancy before Chris left in April 2010.

In June, I received my first phone call from the state asking if I could come get 3 children! THREE CHILDREN!!!!???? I kindly told the lady that I still hadn't even heard if we were licensed yet! "Oh," she said, "Congrats, now can you come get them?" I guess I failed to mention that it was evening time, so I said sure I will be there as soon as I can. I composed myself best I could and called my long time friend Melissa, who just so happened to live right up the street! (Your welcome Mel!) She was also confused since we hadn't heard whether we had been approved or not, but immediately came over to help me get ready! She handled the bedding, while I went to pick up E 6 years old, A 4 years old, and Ilee who was 6 weeks old. (You will hear a lot about Ilee) They were the most beautiful children I had ever seen. I was sooo nervous since this was my first placement, but somehow we all made it through. I had a lot of help from friends and our church at the time. I definitely couldn't have done it otherwise. People would just show up and drop off clothes, toys, and books! It was fantastic to have so much support. E, A, and Ilee were a lot of fun. We did so much together, but E and A had to go back to their bio family; which left Ilee and me to ourselves. It was just Ilee and me for a month or 2 when I got a call to take 2 more children. This time was K 4 and J 1. They stayed with me a short time. K was my first ethnic hair experience, and I was once again grateful for good friends who could help me out!

After, they left it was once again Ilee and me. She was the sweetest baby, and bonding with her was so easy. I loved her more than anything, and prayed for her safety in life. I wanted her to grow up to be strong, independent and loving regardless of where she went in life. She taught me how to be a mother, and I will forever be grateful for our time together.

A & A entered here for a very brief amount of time. They were sweet and energetic, but shortly went back to their family. I also did some respite care and got B 6 and D 2. They were a handful, and I had them for 2 weeks, while their foster family had to leave the state. Like E and A, they had been through a lot, which made caring for their needs a bit harder. The last kids I got before we stopped taking in kids were J 3 and N 2 months. They were presented to me as adoptable, and I eagerly took them in! I got ahold of Chris in Afghanistan to tell him the happy news, and we were in bliss for a whole 2 days, before we found out that there was a mistake, and they would be returning to their bio family. After them we decided to take a break.

There's a lot of details in Ilee's story, and I don't really want to put it all out there right now. For the time being, know that she is safe in heaven looking down on all of us!

Peace and love,
Queen B

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