Thursday, January 15, 2015

Who drank the hater-ade?

I get it we all have preconceived notions when meeting someone for the first time. It takes a whole second and we as females have sized them up. We've determined how their marriage works, how they take care of their children, if their a good home keeper, and if they have any personality at all! We are all different and your sizing up is probably different from your neighbors, but you get the gist. 
My question is why?? Why do we have so much hate and animosity towards each other as females? Why are we threatened by others' relationships, friendships, and marriages? Why do we feel entitled to have an opinion? Why do we feel a need to gossip and bad mouth on the outside; no details... Just the info you think you know! 
We are all guilty of drinking the haterade from time to time. We all can get envious or even jealous of others. As females though we are the worst! It's almost like we want to be better than all others. I myself have been envious of others, it's just part of nature. However, it's the way we handle it... In my humble opinion... That differentiates the girls from the women! 
I challenge each of you to love instead of hate! Our jobs are hard, being a mom and wife is hard! There's no right or wrong way to do it. So if you catch your self spewing garbage about your neighbor or the mom at the grocery store, do me a favor and take a look in the mirror! You are not perfect! I am not perfect! No one is perfect! Quit being a hypocrite and pretending your life is Grand and that you have any room to talk! Work on you and why you feel the need to be so negative and  bad mouth others.
Love to all, 
Queen B 

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